[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The MprConfigTransportCreate function adds the specified transport to the list of transports present in the specified router configuration.
DWORDMprConfigTransportCreate(HANDLEhMprConfig, // handle to the router configuration
DWORDdwTransportId, // identifier of the transport/router
// manager
LPWSTRlpwsTransportName // address of the transport name
LPBYTEpGlobalInfo // address of the global info.,
DWORDdwGlobalInfoSize, // size of the global info buffer
LPBYTEpClientInterfaceInfo // address of info for client routers
DWORDdwClientInterfaceInfoSize, // size of the client info buffer
LPWSTR lpwsDLLPath // address of the router manager
// DLL name
HANDLE phRouterTransport // handle to the transport configuration
Handle to the router configuration to which to add the transport. Obtain this handle by calling MprConfigServerConnect.
Identifies the transport to add to the configuration. This parameter also identifies the router manager for the transport.
Pointer to a Unicode string containing the name of the transport being added. If this parameter is not specified, the dwTransportId parameter is converted into string and used as the transport name.
Pointer to the global information for the transport. The router manager for the transport interprets this information.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by pGlobalInfo.
Pointer to the default interface information for client routers. This information is used to configure dynamic interfaces for client routers for this transport. This parameter is optional; the caller may specify NULL for this parameter.
The size in bytes of the data pointed to by the pClientInterfaceInfo parameter. If the caller specifies NULL for pClientInterfaceInfo, the caller should specify zero for this parameter.
Pointer to a Unicode string containing the name of the router manager DLL for the specified transport. If specified, the function will set the DLLPath for this transport to this name.
This parameter is optional; the caller may specify NULL for this parameter.
Pointer to a handle variable. On successful return, this variable contains a handle to the transport configuration.
Return Values
The hMprConfig parameter is NULL, or the phRouterTransport parameter is NULL, or both are NULL.
Insufficient resources to complete the operation.
Use FormatMessage to retrieve the system error message corresponding to the error code returned.
If the specified transport already exists, MprConfigTransportCreate does the equivalent of an MprConfigTransportSetInfo call using the supplied parameter values.
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 and later. Windows: Unsupported. Windows CE: Unsupported. Header: Declared in mprapi.h. Import Library: Link with mprapi.lib.