[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The MprConfigInterfaceTransportAdd function adds the specified transport to the specified interface configuration on the router.
DWORDMprConfigInterfaceTransportAdd(HANDLEhMprConfig, // handle to the router configuration
HANDLEhRouterInterface, // handle to the interface configuration
DWORDdwTransportId, // identifier of the transport/router
// manager
LPWSTRlpwsTransportName, // transport name
LPBYTEpInterfaceInfo, // interface information
DWORDdwInterfaceInfoSize, // size of interface information
HANDLE * phRouterIfTransport // handle to transport configuration
Handle to the router configuration. Obtain this handle by calling MprConfigServerConnect.
Identifies the transport. This parameter also identifies the router manager for the transport.
Pointer to a Unicode string containing the name for the transport being added. If this parameter is not specified, and the transport is IP or IPX, MprConfigInterfaceTransportAdd will use "IP" or "IPX". If this parameter is not specified, and the transport is other than IP or IPX, MprConfigInterfaceTransportAdd will convert the dwTransportId parameter into a string, and use that as the transport name.
Pointer to the interface information to be added to the interface configuration. The router manager for the specified transport interprets this information.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by pInterfaceInfo.
Pointer to a handle variable. On successful return, this variable will contain a handle to the transport configuration for this interface.
Return Values
The transport configuration was added successfully.
One of the following is true:
hMprConfig is NULL.
hRouterInterface is NULL.
phRouterIfTransport is NULL.
Insufficient resources to complete the operation.
Use FormatMessage to retrieve the system error message corresponding to the error code returned.
In addition to specifying a transport, the dwTransportId parameter also specifies a router manager, since Windows NT router maintains a unique router manager for each transport.
If the specified transport already exists, MprConfigInterfaceTransportAdd does the equivalent of an MprConfigInterfaceTransportSetInfo call using the given parameter values.
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 and later. Windows: Unsupported. Windows CE: Unsupported. Header: Declared in mprapi.h. Import Library: Link with mprapi.lib.