Package and Deployment Wizard — Shared Files

Determines which files to install as shared. A shared file is one that can be used by other applications on the user's machine. Such a file will not be removed when the end-user uninstalls your application if any other applications that use the file still exist on the computer.

The system determines the files that can be shared by looking at the installation location you have indicated. Any files can be shared except those that are installed as system files. All files that are not marked to be installed into the $(WinSysPathSysFile) directory have the potential to be shared.


Shared Files List

Displays the name, source location on your computer, and install location of any files that are capable of being shared. The file that is highlighted when you open this screen is the main project executable file. Select the files you want to install as shared by clicking the check box to the left of each file name.

When you move the mouse cursor over an entry in this list, a tooltip appears, listing the files for which the given file is needed or stating that the given file was manually added to the list.


Displays the help topic for this step. You can also press F1 for help.


Cancels your previous actions and closes the packaging portion of the Package and Deployment Wizard.


Moves you to the previous step.


Moves you to the next step.


Creates a package using the settings you selected and displays a report at the end of the process. Available only when you have provided enough information for the Package and Deployment Wizard to successfully create a package.

If you chose a pre-existing script, the Finish button is available because the Package and Deployment Wizard assumes that the script contains all of the information needed to create the package.