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The IOleDocumentSite interface enables a document that has been implemented as an Active Document to bypass the normal activation sequence for in-place active objects and to directly instruct its client site to activate it as an Active Document object. A client site with this ability is called a document site.

For each Active Document to be hosted, a container must provide a corresponding document site. This document site is an OLE Documents client site that, in addition to implementing the IOleClientSite and IAdviseSink interfaces, also implements IOleDocumentSite. Each document site implements a separate document view site object for each view of a document to be activated. The document view site implements IOleInPlaceSite and, optionally, IContinueCallback.

When to Implement

Implement IOleDocumentSite on each client site that is to host an Active Document. In addition to this interface, a document site must also implement the IOleClientSite, IOleInPlaceSite, and IAdviseSink interfaces. Implementing IContinueCallback is optional.

When to Use

An Active Document calls IOleDocumentSite::ActivateMe to ask its document site to activate it, typically in response to the container's call to IOleObject::DoVerb.

Methods in Vtable Order
ActivateMe Activates an Active Document.

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