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HRESULT CreateView(
    IOleInPlaceSite *pIPSite,
    IStream *pstm,
    DWORD dwReserved,
    IOleDocumentView **ppView

Creates a document view object in the caller's process and obtains a pointer to that object's IOleDocumentView interface.

[in] Address of the view site object to be associated with the new document view object. Can be NULL, as when the view is contained in a new, uninitialized Active Document, in which case the caller must initialize the view with a subsequent call to the IOleDocumentView::SetInPlaceSite method.
[in] Address of a stream containing data from which the new document view object should initialize itself. If NULL, the Active Document initializes the new document view object with a default state.
[in] Reserved for future use. Must be zero.
[out] Address of the IOleDocumentView interface pointer on the new document view object. If IOleDocument::CreateView succeeds, the caller is responsible for calling IUnknown::Release on this pointer when the view object is no longer needed.

See also IOleDocumentSite::ActivateMe, IOleDocumentView::ApplyViewState, IOleDocumentView::Show, IOleDocumentView::UIActivate

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