ReadyStateChange EventReadyStateChange Event*

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ReadyStateChange Event

Indicates changes to the control's state of readiness.


Private Sub object_ReadyStateChange(ByVal ReadyState As Long)


objectObject expression that evaluates to an ActiveMovie Control.
ReadyStateCurrent state of readiness, after the change occurred.


Following are possible settings for the ReadyState parameter.
amvUninitialized1The FileName property has not been initialized.
amvLoading0The ActiveMovie Control is asynchronously loading a file.
amvInteractive3The control loaded a file, and downloaded enough data to play the file, but has not yet received all data.
amvComplete4All data has been downloaded.


When you change the FileName property, applications should check the control's state of readiness before attempting to call the Run method on the newly opened file. Applications should call the Run method only if the ReadyState parameter equals amvInteractive or amvComplete.

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