GetParticipantRealName MethodGetParticipantRealName Method*

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GetParticipantRealName Method

Gets the real name of a participant by using the member's participant ID or alias (nickname).


object.GetParticipantRealName ParticipantID, Alias, Synchronous, RealName


objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Chat control.
ParticipantIDRequired. A long integer value that indicates which member's real name is being requested. If ParticipantID is set to -1, the method uses the selected member's participant ID in the Participant list box. If ParticipantID is not set to -1, the participant ID must have come from an OnEnterParticipant event. This value must be set to zero if the application is requesting the real name by using the member's alias.
AliasRequired. A BSTR value that contains the requested member's alias. This value must be set to an empty string if the application is requesting the real name by using the member's ParticipantID.
SynchronousRequired. A Boolean value that indicates whether this method is executed synchronously or asynchronously. If Synchronous is set to TRUE, the real name is put into the string that is pointed to by RealName for a Visual Basic or C/C++ application. If Synchronous is set to FALSE, the answer to the query comes back asynchronously. If the query is successful, the OnParticipantRealName event returns the information. If the query is not successful, the OnError event is triggered. VBScript does not support pointers, so Synchronous must be set to FALSE.
RealNameRequired. An address of a string where the real name of the member will be stored if the method is executed synchronously.


When using ParticipantID, the scope of the search is limited to members currently in the chat room. When using Alias, the entire server is searched.

See Also

ThisParticipantID, ThisParticipantAlias

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