Add MethodAdd Method*

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Add Method

Adds a Channel object to the Channels collection.


value=object.Add[(Index][, Key)] 


valueRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object. This will contain the newly added Channel object.
objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Channels collection object.
IndexOptional. A variant. If specified, it must be empty or a valid index that is a number between 1 and the current collection Count + 1.
KeyOptional. A variant. If specified, it must be empty or a unique string that will identify the new Channel object.


Dim chan1, chan2 As Channel
Set chan1 = MsChatPr1.Channels.Add(1, "Questions")
Set chan2 = MsChatPr1.Channels.Add(2, "Answers")
MsChatPr1.Channels.Add , "Aud"
MsChatPr1.Channels.Add 5

See Also


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