ChannelName PropertyChannelName Property*

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ChannelName Property

Synchronously reads or writes the Name of the channel.




valueRequired. A string containing the Name of the channel.
objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.


Access is read/write or read-only depending on the ChannelState value:

After joining a channel, the ChannelName property is not necessarily the string you specified in CreateChannel, JoinChannel, or ChannelName because of the cloned channels.

For example, you could call:

MsChatPr1.Channels(1).JoinChannel "#Chat" 

and, in fact, join "#Chat3", which will be the value returned by the ChannelName property.

The ChannelName property is not cleared when the user leaves the channel and the ChannelState becomes chsClosed.

The user can also synchronously get the channel Name using:


But the ChannelName property is simpler and more efficient.

The asynchronous method of accessing the channel Name is:

<channel>.QueryChannelProperty "Name"

See Also

CreateChannel, ChannelProperty, JoinChannel, QueryChannelProperty

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