
Contents  *

Index  *Topic Contents
*Previous Topic: Microsoft Tabular Data Control Reference
*Next Topic: Properties




<OBJECT ID=object
CLASSID = "clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83">
[<PARAM NAME=property VALUE=setting>]

ObjectString identifying the object.
PropertyOne of the elements in the table below.
SettingValue for the property.

AppendDataSpecifies whether new data is appended or replaces existing data.
CaseSensitiveIndicates whether the TDC distinguishes characters in the data set based upon their case.
CharSetIdentifies the character set of the data file.
DataURLSpecifies the location of the data file.
EscapeCharSpecifies the character used to escape special characters.
FieldDelimSpecifies the character used to mark the end of data fields.
FilterSpecifies the criteria to use for filtering the data.
LanguageSpecifies the language of the data file, including numerical and date formats.
RowDelimSpecifies the character used to mark the end of each row.
SortIdentifies the columns to be sorted, and ascending ordescending sort order.
TextQualifierSpecifies the optional character that surrounds a field.
UseHeaderSpecifies whether the first line of the data file contains header information.

ResetCauses the control to filter or sort its data based on new settings.

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