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Opens a new window and loads the document given by URL, or a blank document if a URL is not provided.


window =[URL [, name [, features [, replace]]]])

URL String specifying the URL of the document to display. If no URL is specified, a new window with about:blank will be displayed.
name Optional. String specifying the name of the window. This name is used for TARGET on a FORM or an A.
features Optional. String specifying the window ornaments to display. The following table lists the supported features.
Syntax Description
fullscreen={ yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specifies whether to display the browser in a full-screen or normal window. Default is no.

Use full-screen mode carefully. Because this mode hides the browser's title bar and menus, you should always provide a button or other visual clue to help the user close the window. ALT+F4 will also close the new window.

channelmode={ yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specifies whether to display the window in theater mode and show the channel band.
toolbar={ yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specifies whether to display the browser toolbar, making buttons such as Back, Forward, and Stop available.
location= { yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specifies whether to display the input field for entering URLs directly into the browser.
directories = { yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specifies whether to add directory buttons. Default is no.
status={ yes | no | 1 | 0 } Specifies whether to add a status bar at the bottom of the window. Default is yes.
menubar={ yes | no | 1 | 0} Specifies whether to display the menu bar. Default is yes.
scrollbars={ yes | no | 1 | 0} Specifies whether to display horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Default is yes.
resizable={ yes | no | 1 | 0} Specifies whether to display resize handles at the corners of the window.
width=number Sets the width of the window, in pixels. Minimum value should be 100.
height=number Specifies the height of the window, in pixels. Minimum value should be 100.
top=number Specifies the top position, in pixels. This value is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
left=number Specifies the left position, in pixels. This value is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
replace Optional. A boolean value specifying whether the URL that is loaded into the new page should create a new entry in the window's browsing history or replace the current entry in the browsing history. If true, no new history entry is created.

Return Value

Returns a reference to the new window. Use this reference to script properties and methods on the new window.


A name for the new window can be used as a target for a form or an A element. By default, the open() method creates a window that has a default width and height and the standard menu, toolbar, and other features of Internet Explorer. You can alter this set of features by using the features parameter. This parameter is a string consisting of one or more feature settings. The replace parameter controls whether the new window is put into the browser history list.

For example, the following creates a new window that contains Sample.htm. The new window is 200 by 400 pixels, has a status bar, but does not have a toolbar, menu bar, or address field."sample.htm",null,

Applies To


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