Cross-Platform FunctionalityCross-Platform Functionality*

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Cross-Platform Functionality

With Internet Explorer 4.0, content authors can easily create pages that run on all platforms—the 32-bit Windows® platforms, Windows 3.1, Macintosh®, and Unix. In particular, core Dynamic HTML (DHTML) and Active Channel functionality are cross-platform.

The following DHTML features are supported across platforms:

The following Active Channel functionality is supported across platforms:

In addition, several features are available on some platforms, but will degrade gracefully on other platforms:

Win32 Premium Platforms

In addition to the cross-platform functionality, the versions of Internet Explorer 4.0 for the 32-bit Windows platforms (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT®) support additional premium functionality, including:

In the future, support for the above features might be added to additional platforms based on customer demand.

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