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*Previous Topic: ComboBoxEx Control Structures


typedef struct {
    UINT    mask;
    int     iItem;
    LPTSTR  pszText;
    int     cchTextMax;
    int     iImage;
    int     iSelectedImage;
    int     iOverlay;
    int     iIndent;
    LPARAM  lParam;

Contains information about an item in a ComboBoxEx control.

Set of bit flags that specify attributes of this structure or of an operation that is using this structure. The flags specify members that are valid or must be filled in. This member can be a combination of the following values:
CBEIF_DI_SETITEMThe control should store the item data and not ask for it again. This flag is used only with the CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification message.
CBEIF_IMAGE The iImage member is valid or must be filled in.
CBEIF_INDENT The iIndent member is valid or must be filled in.
CBEIF_LPARAM The lParam member is valid or must be filled in.
CBEIF_OVERLAY The iOverlay member is valid or must be filled in.
CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE The iSelectedImage member is valid or must be filled in.
CBEIF_TEXT The pszText member is valid or must be filled in.
Zero-based index of the item.
Address of a character buffer that contains or receives the item's text. If text information is being retrieved, this member must be set to the address of a character buffer that will receive the text. The size of this buffer must also be indicated in cchTextMax. If this member is set to LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK, the control will request the information by using the CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification messages.
Length of pszText, in characters. If text information is being set, this member is ignored.
Zero-based index of an image within the image list. The specified image will be displayed for the item when it is not selected. If this member is set to I_IMAGECALLBACK, the control will request the information by using CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification messages.
Zero-based index of an image within the image list. The specified image will be displayed for the item when it is selected. If this member is set to I_IMAGECALLBACK, the control will request the information by using CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification messages.
One-based index of an overlay image within the image list. If this member is set to I_IMAGECALLBACK, the control will request the information by using CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification messages.
Number of indent spaces to display for the item. Each indentation equals 10 pixels. If this member is set to I_INDENTCALLBACK, the control will request the information by using CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification messages.
32-bit value specific to the item.

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