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    idCtl = (WPARAM)(int) wParam; 
    pDragInfo = (LPARAM)(LPDRAGLISTINFO) lParam; 

Signals that the user has completed a drag operation by releasing the left mouse button. A drag list box sends DL_DROPPED to its parent window in the form of a drag list message.

Control identifier of the drag list box.
Address of a DRAGLISTINFO structure that contains the DL_DROPPED notification code, the handle to the drag list box, and the cursor position.

This notification is normally processed by inserting the item being dragged into the list in front of the item under the cursor. To retrieve the index of the item at the cursor position, use the LBItemFromPt function. Note that the DL_DROPPED notification message is sent even if the cursor is not on a list item. In that case, LBItemFromPt returns -1.

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