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    wParam = (WPARAM) (int) iSize;
    lParam = (LPARAM) (LPINT) lpiArray;

Retrieves the current left-to-right order of items in a header control. You can send this message explicitly or use the Header_GetOrderArray macro.

Number of integer elements that lpiArray can hold. This value must be equal to the number of items in the control (see HDM_GETITEMCOUNT).
Address of an array of integers that receive the index values for items in the header. The number of elements in this array is specified in iSize and must be equal to or greater than the number of items in the control. For example, the following code fragment will reserve enough memory to hold the index values.
int iItems,

// Get memory for buffer.
(iItems = SendMessage(hwndHD, HDM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0,0))!=-1)
    if(!(lpiArray = calloc(iItems,sizeof(int))))
MessageBox(hwnd, "Out of memory.","Error", MB_OK);

Version 4.70

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