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    wParam = (WPARAM) flag;
    lParam = (LPARAM) dwInputValue;

Changes the color of a divider between header items to indicate the destination of an external drag-and-drop operation. You can send this message explicitly or use the Header_SetHotDivider macro.

Value specifying the type of value represented by dwInputValue. This value can be one of the following:
TRUE Indicates that dwInputValue holds the client coordinates of the pointer.
FALSE Indicates that dwInputValue holds a divider index value.
Value held in dwInputValue is interpreted depending on the value of flag.

If flag is TRUE, dwInputValue represents the x- and y-coordinates of the pointer. The x-coordinate is in the low word, and the y-coordinate is in the high word. When the header control receives the message, it highlights the appropriate divider based on the dwInputValue coordinates.

If flag is FALSE, dwInputValue represents the integer index of the divider to be highlighted.

This message creates an effect that a header control automatically produces when it has the HDS_DRAGDROP style. The HDM_SETHOTDIVIDER message is intended to be used when the owner of the control handles drag-and-drop operations manually.

Version 4.70

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