List view item statesList view item states*

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List view item states

An item's state value consists of the item's state, an optional overlay mask index, and an optional state image mask index.

An item's state determines its appearance and functionality. The state can be zero or one or more of the following values:
LVIS_ACTIVATING Version 4.71. The item is being activated in an LVN_ITEMACTIVATE notification.
LVIS_CUT The item is marked for a cut-and-paste operation.
LVIS_DROPHILITED The item is highlighted as a drag-and-drop target.
LVIS_FOCUSED The item has the focus, so it is surrounded by a standard focus rectangle. Although more than one item may be selected, only one item can have the focus.
LVIS_SELECTED The item is selected. The appearance of a selected item depends on whether it has the focus and also on the system colors used for selection.

You can use the LVIS_OVERLAYMASK mask to isolate the one-based index of the overlay image. You can use the LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK mask to isolate the one-based index of the state image.

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