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*Previous Topic: ListView_InsertColumn
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int ListView_InsertItem(
    HWND hwnd, 		
    const LPLVITEM pitem		

Inserts a new item in a list view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_INSERTITEM message explicitly.

Handle to the list view control.
Address of an LVITEM structure that specifies the attributes of the list view item. The iItem member specifies the index of the new item.
You cannot use ListView_InsertItem or LVM_INSERTITEM to insert subitems; the iSubItem member of the LVITEM structure must be zero.

If a list view control has either the LVS_SORTASCENDING or LVS_SORTDESCENDING window style, an LVM_INSERTITEM message will fail if you try to insert an item that has LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK as the pszText member of its LVITEM structure.

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