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typedef struct tagLVBKIMAGE { ULONG ulFlags; HBITMAP hbm; LPTSTR pszImage; UINT cchImageMax; int xOffsetPercent; int yOffsetPercent; } LVBKIMAGE, FAR *LPLVBKIMAGE;Contains information about the background image of a list view control. This structure is used for both setting and retrieving background image information.
- ulFlags
- One or more of the following flags. The LVBKIF_SOURCE_MASK value can be used to mask off all but the source flags. The LVBKIF_STYLE_MASK value can be used to mask off all but the style flags.
LVBKIF_SOURCE_NONE The list view control has no background image. LVBKIF_SOURCE_HBITMAP Not currently implemented. LVBKIF_SOURCE_URL The pszImage member contains the URL of the background image. LVBKIF_STYLE_NORMAL The background image is displayed normally. LVBKIF_STYLE_TILE The background image will be tiled to fill the entire background of the control. - hbm
- Not currently used.
- pszImage
- Address of a NULL-terminated string that contains the URL of the background image. This member is only valid if the LVBKIF_SOURCE_URL flag is set in ulFlags. This member must be initialized to point to the buffer that contains or receives the text before sending the message.
- cchImageMax
- Size of the buffer at the address in pszImage. If information is being sent to the control, this member is ignored.
- xOffsetPercent
- Percentage of the control's client area that the image should be offset horizontally. For example, at 0 percent, the image will be displayed against the left edge of the control's client area. At 50 percent, the image will be displayed horizontally centered in the control's client area. At 100 percent, the image will be displayed against the right edge of the control's client area. This member is only valid when LVBKIF_STYLE_NORMAL is specified in ulFlags.
- yOffsetPercent
- Percentage of the control's client area that the image should be offset vertically. For example, at 0 percent, the image will be displayed against the top edge of the control's client area. At 50 percent, the image will be displayed vertically centered in the control's client area. At 100 percent, the image will be displayed against the bottom edge of the control's client area. This member is only valid when LVBKIF_STYLE_NORMAL is specified in ulFlags.
This structure is used with the LVM_GETBKIMAGE and LVM_SETBKIMAGE messages.
Version 4.71
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