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typedef struct {
    NMHDR hdr;
    BOOL fwKeys;
    RECT rcParent;
    int  iDir;
    int  iXpos;
    int  iYpos;
    int  iScroll;

Contains and receives information that the pager control uses when scrolling the contained window. It is used with the PGN_SCROLL notification.

NMHDR structure that contains information about the notification message.
Modifier keys that are down when the scroll occurs. This can be one or more of the following values:
0 None of the modifier keys are down.
PGK_SHIFT The SHIFT key is down.
PGK_CONTROL The CONTROL key is down.
PGK_MENU The ALT key is down.
Contains the client rectangle of the pager control.
Value that indicates in which direction the scroll is occurring. This will be one of the following values:
PGF_SCROLLDOWN The contained window is being scrolled down.
PGF_SCROLLLEFT The contained window is being scrolled to the left.
PGF_SCROLLRIGHT The contained window is being scrolled to the right.
PGF_SCROLLUP The contained window is being scrolled up.
Contains the horizontal scroll position of the contained window, in pixels, before the scroll action.
Contains the vertical scroll position of the contained window, in pixels, before the scroll action.
On entry, contains the default scroll delta in pixels. This member can be modified to contain a different scroll delta amount if desired. This value is always positive, regardless of the scroll direction.

Version 4.71

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