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UINT CALLBACK PropSheetPageProc(
    HWND hwnd,		
    UINT uMsg,		

Specifies an application-defined callback function that a property sheet calls when a page is created and when it is about to be destroyed. An application can use this function to perform initialization and cleanup operations for the page.

Reserved; must be NULL.
Action flag. This parameter can be one of the following values:
PSPCB_CREATE A page is being created. Return nonzero to allow the page to be created, or zero to prevent it.
PSPCB_RELEASE A page is being destroyed. The return value is ignored.
Address of a PROPSHEETPAGE structure that defines the page being created or destroyed.

An application must specify the address of this callback function in the pfnCallback member of a PROPSHEETPAGE structure before specifying the address of the structure in a call to the CreatePropertySheetPage function.

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