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    wParam = 0; 
    lParam = (LPARAM) (DWORD) dwFlags; 

Enables or disables the Back, Next, and Finish buttons in a wizard property sheet. You can send or post this message explicitly to a wizard property sheet, or you can use the PropSheet_SetWizButtons macro to post the message.

Buttons to display and enable. A wizard property sheet displays the Back button and either the Next or Finish button. This parameter can include the PSWIZB_BACK flag, which enables the Back button, and one of the following flags:
PSWIZB_NEXT Enables the Next button.
PSWIZB_FINISH Displays an enabled Finish button in place of the Next button.
PSWIZB_DISABLEDFINISH Displays a disabled Finish button in place of the Next button.

If you send the PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS message during your handling of the PSN_SETACTIVE notification message, use the PostMessage function rather than the SendMessage function. Otherwise, the system will not update the buttons properly. At any other time, you can use SendMessage to send PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS.

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