Rebar Control StylesRebar Control Styles*

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Rebar Control Styles

Rebar controls support a variety of control styles in addition to standard window styles.
RBS_AUTOSIZE Version 4.71. The rebar control will automatically change the layout of the bands when the size or position of the control changes. An RBN_AUTOSIZE notification will be sent when this occurs.
RBS_BANDBORDERS Version 4.70. The rebar control displays narrow lines to separate adjacent bands.
RBS_DBLCLKTOGGLE Version 4.71. The rebar band will toggle its maximized or minimized state when the user double-clicks on the band. Without this style, the maximized or minimized state is toggled when the user single-clicks on the band.
RBS_FIXEDORDER Version 4.70. The rebar control always displays bands in the same order. You can move bands to different rows, but the band order is static.
RBS_REGISTERDROP Version 4.71. The rebar control generates RBN_GETOBJECT notification messages when an object is dragged over a band in the control. To receive the RBN_GETOBJECT notifications, initialize OLE with a call to OleInitialize or CoInitialize.
RBS_TOOLTIPS Version 4.70. Not yet supported.
RBS_VARHEIGHT Version 4.70. The rebar control displays bands at the minimum required height, when possible. Without this style, the rebar control displays all bands at the same height, using the height of the tallest visible band to determine the height of other bands.
RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER   Version 4.71. The size grip will be displayed vertically instead of horizontally in a vertical rebar control. This style is ignored for rebar controls that do not have the CCS_VERT style.

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