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void DrawStatusText(
    HDC hdc, 	
    LPRECT lprc, 	
    LPCTSTR pszText, 	
    UINT uFlags 	

Draws the specified text in the style of a status window with borders.

Handle to the display context for the window.
Address of a RECT structure that contains the position, in client coordinates, of the rectangle in which the text is drawn. The function draws the borders just inside the edges of the specified rectangle.
Address of a null-terminated string that specifies the text to display. Tab characters in the string determine whether the string is left-aligned, right-aligned, or centered.
Text drawing flags. This parameter can be a combination of these values:
SBT_NOBORDERS Prevents borders from being drawn around the specified text.
SBT_POPOUT Draws highlighted borders that make the text stand out.
SBT_RTLREADING Displays text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems.

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