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    wParam = (WPARAM)(INT) iBitmapID;
    lParam = (LPARAM)(HINSTANCE) hinst;

Loads bitmaps into a toolbar control's image list.

Identifier of a bitmap that contains the images to be loaded. If hinst is HINST_COMMCTRL, this parameter specifies a set of standard toolbar button bitmaps, shown in the following list. Otherwise, this parameter must be the identifier of a bitmap resource that will be added to the image list as a single image.
Bitmap ID Description
IDB_HIST_LARGE_COLOR Explorer bitmaps in large size.
IDB_HIST_SMALL_COLOR Explorer bitmaps in small size.
IDB_STD_LARGE_COLOR Standard bitmaps in large size.
IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR Standard bitmaps in small size.
IDB_VIEW_LARGE_COLOR View bitmaps in large size.
IDB_VIEW_SMALL_COLOR View bitmaps in small size.
Program instance handle to the calling application. This parameter can be HINST_COMMCTRL to load a standard image list.

If your application specifies HINST_COMMCTRL, then you must use the proper image index values when you prepare TBBUTTON structures prior to sending the TB_ADDBUTTONS message. For a list of image index values for these preset bitmaps, see Toolbar Standard Button Image Index Values.

Version 4.70

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