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    lpnmtb = (LPNMTOOLBAR) lParam; 

Retrieves toolbar customization information and notifies the toolbar's parent window of any changes being made to the toolbar. This is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.

Address of an NMTOOLBAR structure. The iItem member specifies a zero-based index that provides a count of the buttons the Customize Toolbar dialog box displays as both available and present on the toolbar.

The pszText member specifies the address of the current button text, and cchText specifies its length in characters. The application should fill the structure with information about the button.

The toolbar control allocates a buffer, and the receiver (parent window) must copy the text into that buffer. The cchText member contains the length of the buffer allocated by the toolbar when TBN_GETBUTTONINFO is sent to the parent window.

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