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typedef struct tagNMTBHOTITEM {
    NMHDR hdr;
    int idOld;
    int idNew;
    DWORD dwFlags;

Contains information used with the TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE notification.

NMHDR structure that contains additional information about the notification message.
Command identifier of the previously highlighted item.
Command identifier of the item about to be highlighted.
Flags that indicate why the hot item has changed. This can be one or more of the following values:
HICF_ACCELERATOR The change in the hot item resulted from an accelerator.
HICF_ARROWKEYS The change in the hot item resulted from an arrow key.
HICF_DUPACCEL Modifies HICF_ACCELERATOR. If this flag is set, more than one item has the same accelerator character.
HICF_ENTERING Modifies the other reason flags. If this flag is set, there is no previous hot item and idOld does not contain valid information.
HICF_LEAVING Modifies the other reason flags. If this flag is set, there is no new hot item and idNew does not contain valid information.
HICF_MOUSE The change in the hot item resulted from a mouse event.
HICF_OTHER The change in the hot item resulted from an event that could not be determined. This will most often be due to a change in focus or the TB_SETHOTITEM message.
HICF_RESELECT The change in the hot item resulted from the user entering the accelerator for an item that was already hot.

Version 4.71

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