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typedef struct {
    HINSTANCE hInst; 
    UINT nID; 

Adds a bitmap that contains button images to a toolbar.

Handle to the module instance with the executable file that contains a bitmap resource. You can add the system-defined button bitmaps to the list by specifying HINST_COMMCTRL as the hInst member and one of the following values as the nID member:
IDB_STD_LARGE_COLOR Adds large, color standard bitmaps.
IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR Adds small, color standard bitmaps.
IDB_VIEW_LARGE_COLOR Adds large, color view bitmaps.
IDB_VIEW_SMALL_COLOR Adds small, color view bitmaps.
For more information about the system-defined standard and view bitmaps, see the comments at the end of this reference.
Resource identifier of the bitmap resource that contains the button images. If hInst is NULL, this parameter must be the handle to a bitmap that contains the button images.

The Windows header files provide the following values to be used as indexes to the standard and view bitmaps.
STD_COPY Specifies the copy image.
STD_CUT Specifies the cut image.
STD_DELETE Specifies the delete image.
STD_FILENEW Specifies the new file image.
STD_FILEOPEN Specifies the open file image.
STD_FILESAVE Specifies the save file image.
STD_FIND Specifies the find image.
STD_HELP Specifies the help image.
STD_PASTE Specifies the paste image.
STD_PRINT Specifies the print image.
STD_PRINTPRE Specifies the print preview image.
STD_PROPERTIES Specifies the properties image.
STD_REDOW Specifies the redo image.
STD_REPLACE Specifies the replace image.
STD_UNDO Specifies the undo image.
VIEW_DETAILS Specifies the view details image.
VIEW_LARGEICONS Specifies the view large icons image.
VIEW_LIST Specifies the view list image.
VIEW_SMALLICONS Specifies the view small icons image.
VIEW_SORTDATE Specifies the sort by date image.
VIEW_SORTNAME Specifies the sort by name image.
VIEW_SORTSIZE Specifies the sort by size image.
VIEW_SORTTYPE Specifies the sort by type image.

The TBADDBITMAP structure is used with the TB_ADDBITMAP message.

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