Trackbar Control StylesTrackbar Control Styles*

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Trackbar Control Styles

This section contains information about the styles used with trackbar controls.
TBS_AUTOTICKS The trackbar control will have a tick mark for each increment in its range of values.
TBS_BOTH The trackbar control will display tick marks on both sides of the control. This will be both top and bottom when used with TBS_HORZ or both left and right if used with TBS_VERT.
TBS_BOTTOM The trackbar control will display tick marks below the control. This style is only valid with TBS_HORZ.
TBS_ENABLESELRANGE The trackbar control can display a selection range only. The tick marks at the starting and ending positions of a selection range are displayed as triangles (instead of vertical dashes), and the selection range is highlighted.
TBS_FIXEDLENGTH The trackbar control allows the size of the slider to be changed with the TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH message.
TBS_HORZ The trackbar control will be oriented vertically. This is the default orientation.
TBS_LEFT The trackbar control will display tick marks to the left of the control. This style is only valid with TBS_VERT.
TBS_NOTHUMB The trackbar control does not display a slider.
TBS_NOTICKS The trackbar control will not display any tick marks.
TBS_RIGHT The trackbar control will display tick marks to the right of the control. This style is only valid with TBS_VERT.
TBS_TOOLTIPS Version 4.70. The trackbar control will support tooltips. When a trackbar control is created using this style, it automatically creates a default tooltip control that displays the slider's current position. You can change where the tooltips are displayed by using the TBM_SETTIPSIDE message.
TBS_TOP The trackbar control will display tick marks above the control. This style is only valid with TBS_HORZ.
TBS_VERT The trackbar control will be oriented vertically. This is the default orientation.

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