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BOOL TreeView_Expand(
    HWND hwndTV,
    HTREEITEM hItem,
    UINT flag

Expands or collapses the list of child items associated with the specified parent item, if any. You can use this macro or send the TVM_EXPAND message explicitly.

Handle to a tree view control.
Handle to the parent item that will be expanded or collapsed.
Action flag. See the description of the flag argument in TVM_EXPAND for a list of possible values.

The TreeView_Expand macro will cause the TVN_ITEMEXPANDING and TVN_ITEMEXPANDED notification messages to be generated if the item being expanded does not have the TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE state bit set. This state gets set when a parent item is expanded for the first time. Using TVE_COLLAPSE and TVE_COLLAPSERESET with TreeView_Expand will cause the TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE state to be reset.

If the item already has the TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE state set, the TreeView_Expand macro will not cause the TVN_ITEMEXPANDING and TVN_ITEMEXPANDED notification messages to be generated.

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