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Sets a paragraph, cell, record, page, section, or other type of break.


WORD SOPutBreak(
    WORD wType,    
    DWORD dwInfo,  
    HPROC reserved 


Type of break. This parameter can be one of these values:
SO_CELLBREAKRegular cell break.
SO_EOFBREAKEnd of file (EOF) break, which implies a section break.
SO_PARABREAKRegular paragraph break.
SO_RECORDBREAKRegular record break.
SO_SUBDOCBEGINBREAKSubdocument's begin break.
SO_SUBDOCENDBREAKSubdocument's end break.
Data to save for each record. This data is for database section breaks. For all other section types, this parameter should be zero.

dwInfo is saved after every SOPutBreak function and, like the regular save information, should represent the next record, not the one just read.

Reserved; do not use.

Return Value

Returns the SO_STOP value to direct the file parser to stop processing and return, or the SO_CONTINUE value to direct the file parser to continue processing.


In spreadsheet sections, the last cell in a section must have an associated SO_CELLBREAK break before the SO_SECTIONBREAK or SO_EOFBREAK break.

In database sections, the last record in a section must have an associated SO_RECORDBREAK break before the SO_SECTIONBREAK or SO_EOFBREAK break.

In word processing sections, the last paragraph does not need an SO_PARABREAK break before the SO_SECTIONBREAK or SO_EOFBREAK break.

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