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The IDockingWindowSite interface is implemented by the browser to manage the border space for one or more IDockingWindow objects. This interface is similar to the IOleInPlaceUIWindow interface.

When to Implement

You do not normally implement the IDockingWindowSite interface. The shell browser implements this interface to support docked windows inside the browser frame.

When to Use

You use IDockingWindowSite to negotiate the space for a docking window object in a browser frame.

IDockingWindowSite is derived from IOleWindow. The following are the methods specific to IDockingWindowSite.
IDockingWindowSite Methods Description
GetBorderDW Retrieves the allocated border space for a particular IDockingWindow object.
RequestBorderSpaceDW Processes border space requests for an IDockingWindow object.
SetBorderSpaceDW Allocates border space for an IDockingWindow object.

Note This interface is only supported in shell versions 4.71 and later.

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