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    ULONG celt,	
    LPITEMIDLIST *rgelt,	
    ULONG *pceltFetched	

Retrieves the specified number of item identifiers in the enumeration sequence and advances the current position by the number of items retrieved.

Number of elements in the array pointed to by the rgelt parameter.
Address of an array of ITEMIDLIST pointers that receives the item identifiers. The implementation must allocate these item identifiers using the shell's allocator (retrieved by the SHGetMalloc function). The calling application is responsible for freeing the item identifiers using the shell's allocator.
Address of a value that receives a count of the item identifiers actually returned in rgelt. The count can be smaller than the value specified in the celt parameter. This parameter can be NULL only if celt is one.

If this method returns any value other than NOERROR, no entries in the rgelt array are valid on exit. They are all in an indeterminate state.

See also IEnumIDList

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