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HRESULT BrowseObject(
    UINT *wFlags

Tells Windows Explorer to browse to another folder.

Address of an ITEMIDLIST (item identifier list) structure that specifies an object's location. This value is dependent on the flag or flags set in the wFlags parameter.
Flags specifying the folder to be browsed. It can be zero or one or more of the following values. These first three flags specify whether another window is to be created.
SBSP_SAMEBROWSER Browse to another folder with the same Windows Explorer window.
SBSP_NEWBROWSER Creates another window for the specified folder.
SBSP_DEFBROWSER The default behavior is to respect the view option (the user setting to create new windows or to browse in place). In most cases, callers should use this flag.

The following flags specify either the open, explore, or default mode. These values are ignored if SBSP_SAMEBROWSER is specified or if SBSP_DEFBROWSER is specified and the user has selected Browse In Place.
SBSP_OPENMODE Use a normal folder window.
SBSP_EXPLOREMODE Use a Windows Explorer window.
SBSP_DEFMODE Use the current window.

The following flags specify the pidl parameter's category:
SBSP_ABSOLUTE An absolute pidl (relative from the desktop).
SBSP_RELATIVE A relative pidl (relative from the current folder).
SBSP_PARENT Browse the parent folder (ignores the pidl).

Views can use this method to force Windows Explorer to browse to a specific place in the namespace. Typically, these are folders contained in the view.

See also IShellBrowser

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