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HRESULT GetControlWindow(
    UINT id,
    HWND *lphwnd

Retrieves the window handle to a browser control.

Control handle that is being requested. This parameter can be one of the following values:
FCW_TOOLBAR Retrieves the window handle to the browser's toolbar.
FCW_STATUS Retrieves the window handle to the browser's status bar.
FCW_TREE Retrieves the window handle to the browser's tree view.
FCW_PROGRESS Retrieves the window handle to the browser's progress bar.
Address of the window handle to the Windows Explorer control.

GetControlWindow is used so views can directly manipulate the browser's controls. FCW_TREE should be used only to determine if the tree is present.

Notes to Callers

GetControlWindow is used to manipulate and test the state of the control windows. Do not send messages directly to these controls; instead, use IShellBrowser::SendControlMsg. Be prepared for this method to return NULL. Future versions of Windows Explorer may not include a toolbar, status bar, or tree window.

Notes to Implementers

GetControlWindow returns the window handle to these controls if they exist in your implementation.

See also IShellBrowser

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