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The IShellLink interface allows shell links to be created, modified, and resolved.
IShellLink Methods Description
GetArguments Retrieves the command-line arguments associated with a shell link object.
GetDescription Retrieves the description string for a shell link object.
GetHotkey Retrieves the hot key for a shell link object.
GetIconLocation Retrieves the location (path and index) of the icon for a shell link object.
GetIDList Retrieves the list of item identifiers for a shell link object.
GetPath Retrieves the path and file name of a shell link object.
GetShowCmd Retrieves the show (SW_) command for a shell link object.
GetWorkingDirectory Retrieves the name of the working directory for a shell link object.
Resolve Resolves a shell link by searching for the shell link object and updating the shell link path and its list of identifiers (if necessary).
SetArguments Sets the command-line arguments associated with a shell link object.
SetDescription Sets the description string for a shell link object.
SetHotkey Sets the hot key for a shell link object.
SetIconLocation Sets the location (path and index) of the icon for a shell link object.
SetIDList Sets the list of item identifiers for a shell link object.
SetPath Sets the path and file name of a shell link object.
SetRelativePath Sets the relative path for a shell link object.
SetShowCmd Sets the show (SW_) command for a shell link object.
SetWorkingDirectory Sets the name of the working directory for a shell link object.

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