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HRESULT GetItemObject(
    UINT uItem,
    REFIID riid,
    LPVOID *ppv

Retrieves an interface that refers to data presented in the view.

Constants that refer to an aspect of the view. This parameter can be any of the following values:
SVGIO_BACKGROUND Refers to the background of the view. It is used with IID_IContextMenu to get a context menu for the view background.
SVGIO_SELECTION Refers to the currently selected items. IID_IDataObject uses this constant to get a data object that represents the selected items.
SVGIO_ALLVIEW Same as SVGIO_SELECTION but refers to all items in the view.
Identifier of the COM interface being requested.
Address that receives the interface pointer. If an error occurs, the pointer returned must be NULL.

Used by the common dialogs to get the selected items from the view.

See also IShellView

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