ShellSpecialFolderConstants EnumerationShellSpecialFolderConstants Enumeration*

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ShellSpecialFolderConstants Enumeration


Set of values that specify special folders in the shell.


enum ShellSpecialFolderConstants{
    ssfDESKTOP = 0x0000,
    ssfPROGRAMS = 0x0002,
    ssfCONTROLS = 0x0003,
    ssfPRINTERS = 0x0004,
    ssfPERSONAL = 0x0005,
    ssfFAVORITES = 0x0006,
    ssfSTARTUP = 0x0007,
    ssfRECENT = 0x0008,
    ssfSENDTO = 0x0009,
    ssfBITBUCKET = 0x000a,
    ssfSTARTMENU = 0x000b,
    ssfDESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x0010,
    ssfDRIVES = 0x0011,
    ssfNETWORK = 0x0012,
    ssfNETHOOD = 0x0013,
    ssfFONTS = 0x0014,
    ssfTEMPLATES = 0x0015,
} ShellSpecialFolderConstants;

ssfDESKTOP Desktop folder.
ssfPROGRAMS File system folder that contains the items in the Programs folder on the Start menu.
ssfCONTROLS Control Panel folder.
ssfPRINTERS Printers folder.
ssfPERSONAL File system folder that contains the user's documents.
ssfFAVORITES Favorites folder.
ssfSTARTUP Startup folder on the Start menu.
ssfRECENT Folder that contains shortcuts to the user's most recently used documents.
ssfSENDTO Folder that contains the items that are added to the Send To menu.
ssfBITBUCKET Recycle Bin.
ssfSTARTMENU Folder that contains the items that are displayed on the Start menu.
ssfDESKTOPDIRECTORY File system folder that contains the items on the desktop.
ssfDRIVES My Computer.
ssfNETWORK Network Neighborhood.
ssfNETHOOD File system folder that contains items displayed inside the Network Neighborhood.
ssfFONTS Folder that contains the installed fonts.
ssfTEMPLATES File system folder that contains document templates.

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