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LPTSTR PathAddBackslash(
    LPCTSTR lpszPath

Adds a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. If the source path already has a trailing backslash, no backslash will be added.

Address of the string that represents a path.


#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "Shlwapi.h"

void main( void )
	// String for path name without backslash.
	char buffer_1[] = "C:\\dir_name\\dir_name\\file_name";
	char *lpStr1;
	lpStr1 = buffer_1;

	// String for path name with backslash.
	char buffer_2[] = "C:\\dir_name\\dir_name\\file_name\\";
	char *lpStr2;
	lpStr2 = buffer_2;

cout << "The original path string 1 is " << lpStr1 << endl;
cout << "The modified path string 1 is " 
     <<  PathAddBackslash(lpStr1)   << lpStr1 << endl;

cout << "\nThe original path string 2 is " << lpStr2 << endl;
cout << "The modified path string 2 is " 
     <<  PathAddBackslash(lpStr2)   << lpStr2 << endl;
The original path string 1 is C:\dir_name\dir_name\file_name
The modified path string 1 is C:\dir_name\dir_name\file_name\

The original path string 2 is C:\dir_name\dir_name\file_name\
The modified path string 2 is C:\dir_name\dir_name\file_name\

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