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LPTSTR PathBuildRoot(
    LPTSTR szRoot,
    int iDrive

Creates a root path from a given drive number.

Address of the string that receives the constructed root path. This buffer must be at least four characters in size.
Integer value that indicates the desired drive number.


#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "Shlwapi.h"

void main( void )
	// String for root name
	char buffer_1[4];
	char *lpStr1;
	lpStr1 = buffer_1;

// Generate a root path based on the drive number (0/25) 
// "Example: 0=A: to 25=Z:"
cout << "The root path for 0 is     " << PathBuildRoot(lpStr1,0)  << endl;	
cout << "The root path for 1 is     " << PathBuildRoot(lpStr1,1)  << endl;
cout << "The root path for 25 is     " << PathBuildRoot(lpStr1,25) << endl;

The root path for 0 is     A:\
The root path for 1 is     B:\
The root path for 25 is     Z:\

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