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*Previous Topic: IActiveDesktop::AddDesktopItem
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HRESULT AddDesktopItemWithUI(
    HWND hwnd,
    LPCOMPONENT pcomp,
    DWORD dwReserved

Adds a desktop item to the Active Desktop after displaying user interfaces that confirm the addition of the desktop item, verify security zone permissions, and ask if the user wants to create a subscription.

Handle of the parent window. If NULL, the desktop item will be added without displaying any user interface.
Address of the COMPONENT structure containing the details of the desktop item to be added.
Reserved. Must be set to zero.

If the source URL of the desktop item being added matches a desktop item already installed on the Active Desktop, this method will fail.

This method creates a second instance of the Active Desktop to add the desktop item, so the desktop item will not appear in the current instance. The application must call the IUnknown::Release method on this IActiveDesktop interface and the use the CoCreateInstance function to get the Active Desktop object with the newly added component.

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