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*Previous Topic: WABOpen
*Next Topic: Internet Explorer Address Book Structures


    LPADRBOOK      * lppAdrBook,
    LPWABOBJECT    * lppWABObject,
    LPWAB_PARM       lpWP,          // Can be null
    DWORD            Reserved2,
    ALLOCATEBUFFER * lpfnAllocateBuffer,
    ALLOCATEMORE   * lpfnAllocateMore,
    FREEBUFFER     * lpfnFreeBuffer

Gives access to the address book through a number of object interfaces. The root interface is IAddrBook, which is a subset of the MAPI implementation of IAddrBook. This function also specifies the memory allocation functions that Internet Explorer Address Book uses to allocate all buffers returned to the client. If you pass in one allocation routine, you must pass them all.

Note When WABOpenEx has been called specifying memory allocation routines, these routines globally replace Internet Explorer Address Book internal routines for this process. Other threads can still call WABOpen, but the memory will still be allocated with those routines previously passed to WABOpenEx. Unless you really need the additional functionality, use WABOpen.

Returned IAddrBook interface.
Returned IWABObject interface.
Address of a WAB_PARAM structure. (This value can be null.)
Reserved; must be zero.
Allocation function in the style of MAPIAllocateBuffer. Can be NULL to use Internet Explorer Address Book internal routines.
Allocation function in the style of MAPIAllocateMore. Can be NULL to use Internet Explorer Address Book internal routines.
Buffer function in the style of MAPIFreeBuffer. Can be NULL to use Internet Explorer Address Book internal routines.

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