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HRESULT CreateEntry(
    ULONG   cbEntryID,
    LPENTRYID   lpEntryID,
    ULONG   ulCreateFlags,
    LPMAPIPROP FAR  * lppMAPIPropEntry

Creates a new entry in the distribution list container. Internet Explorer Address Book supports creation of both IMailUser and IDistList objects.

Size of the existing entry identifier to copy from, stored in the lpEntryID parameter. lpEntryID parameter.
Entry identifier of the object to copy from.
Bitmask that controls the level of duplicate entries. Can be one of the following values:
CREATE_CHECK_DUP_LOOSE Indicates a loose level should be used for duplicate entry checking, which returns more matches than setting a strict level with the CREATE_CHECK_DUP_STRICT flag. For example, a provider can define a loose match as any two entries having the same display name, while defining a strict match as any two entries having the same display name and messaging address.
CREATE_CHECK_DUP_STRICT Indicates a strict level should be used for duplicate entry checking, which returns fewer matches than setting a loose level with the CREATE_CHECK_DUP_LOOSE flag.
CREATE_REPLACE Indicates that duplicate entries replace existing entries within a container.
Returned property interface to the new object.

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