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*Previous Topic: IDistList::GetSearchCriteria
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HRESULT OpenEntry(
    ULONG cbEntryID,
    LPENTRYID lpEntryID,
    LPCIID lpInterface,
    ULONG ulFlags,
    ULONG FAR * lpulObjType,
    LPUNKNOWN FAR * lppUnk

Opens an entry contained in the distribution list and returns a pointer to the object to provide further access.

Value that represents the number of bytes contained in the entry identifier to open.
Address of an entry identifier of the object to open.
Address of an interface identifier (IID) for the object to open. Pass NULL to specify the standard interface for the object.
Bitmask containing object access flags. The default is read access only. The following flags can be used for modifications:
MAPI_BEST_ACCESS Specifies to open with best available access rights.
MAPI_MODIFY Requests read/write access.
MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS Currently not supported by Internet Explorer Address Book.
Address of the object type of the opened entry.
Returned object pointer to the opened entry.

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