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HRESULT GetIDsFromNames(
    ULONG  cPropNames,
    LPMAPINAMEID FAR *  lppPropNames,
    ULONG  ulFlags,
    LPSPropTagArray FAR *  lppPropTags

Registers named properties with the mail user object.

Count of names to register. If lppPropNames is NULL, the cPropNames parameter must be zero.
MAPINAMEID structure containing the names and their globally unique identifiers (GUIDs).
Bitmask of flags that indicate how the property identifiers should be returned. The following flag can be set:
MAPI_CREATE Creates a property identifier for any name not already mapped. The default is to fail those non-existent property names.
Returned SPropTagArray of property tags. Must be freed by the caller.

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