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typedef struct _SSortOrder { 
    ULONG ulPropTag;
    ULONG ulOrder;
    } SSortOrder, FAR *LPSSortOrder; 

Defines how to sort rows of a table, describing the column to use as the sort key and the direction of the sort.

Property tag identifying the sort key or, for a categorized sort, the category column.
Order in which the data is to be sorted. Possible values are:
TABLE_SORT_ASCEND The table should be sorted in ascending order.
TABLE_SORT_COMBINE The sort operation should create a category that combines the property identified as the sort key column in the ulPropTag member with the sort key column specified in the previous SSortOrder structure.
TABLE_SORT_COMBINE can only be used when the SSortOrder structure is being used as an entry in an SSortOrderSet structure to specify multiple sort orders for a categorized sort. TABLE_SORT_COMBINE cannot be used in the first SSortOrder structure in an SSortOrderSet structure.
TABLE_SORT_DESCEND The table should be sorted in descending order.

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