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HRESULT GetStringReference(
    DWORD dwWhichRef,         //Absolute or relative reference
    LPWSTR * ppwzTarget,      //Receives the string that helps identify the hyperlink target
    LPWSTR * ppwzLocation     //Receives the location portion of the hyperlink target

Retrieves strings that identify the hyperlink target and the location within the hyperlink target.

[in] Value from the HLINKGETREF enumeration specifying whether to get the absolute or relative reference to the hyperlink target.
[out] On return, points to a string that helps identify the hyperlink target of the hyperlink reference. If NULL, the caller is not interested in the target string of the hyperlink reference.
[out] On return, points to the location portion of the hyperlink reference. If NULL, the caller is not interested in the location portion of the hyperlink reference.

See also IHlink::GetMonikerReference, HLINKGETREF, HlinkNavigateToStringReference, HlinkSimpleNavigateToString

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