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HRESULT OnNavigateHlink(
    DWORD grfHLNF,      //Navigation flags
    IMoniker * pimkTarget,     //Moniker interface pointer of the hyperlink target
    LPCWSTR pwzLocation,       //Location within the hyperlink target of new hyperlink
    LPCWSTR pwzFriendlyName,   //Friendly name of the hyperlink
    ULONG * puHLID      //Pointer to hyperlink identifier

Notifies a browse context that a hyperlink has been navigated.

[in] Flags describing how the navigation is to proceed. The value of the flag can be any valid HLNF enumeration value.
[in, unique] Address of an IMoniker interface on the hyperlink target.
[in, unique] A string identifying the location within the hyperlink target that was navigated to. Must not be NULL.
[in, unique] The friendly name of the location within the hyperlink target that has been navigated to. Must not be NULL.
[out] Address of the hyperlink indentifier to set in the current browse context's navigation stack.

See also HlinkOnNavigate, HLNF, IHlinkFrame::OnNavigate, IHlinkSite::OnNavigationComplete

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