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HRESULT GetMoniker(
    DWORD dwSiteData,    //Site data for the new hyperlink object
    DWORD dwAssign,      //Whether or not to create a moniker if one not found
    DWORD dwWhich,       //Which moniker to retrieve
    IMoniker * ppimk     //Buffer to receive the requested moniker interface pointer

Returns the relative moniker of the hyperlink's container.

[in] Used to identify the hyperlink to the hyperlink site. The hyperlink site initializes the hyperlink with this value as part of IHlink::SetHlinkSite.
[in] A value from the OLEGETMONIKER enumeration. This is typically either OLEGETMONIKER_ONLYIFTHERE, indicating the function should not force a moniker to be created if one does not already exist, or OLEGETMONIKER_FORCEASSIGN, indicating that the function should create a moniker if one does not exist.
[in] A value from the OLEWHICHMK enumeration. This is typically OLEWHICHMK_CONTAINER, indicating that the site should return the moniker of the hyperlink container.
[out] Location to return the IMoniker interface.

See also IHlink::GetMonikerReference, IHlinkTarget::GetMoniker

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