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HRESULT RegisterBindStatusCallback(
    [in] IBindCtx *pbc,
    [in] IBindStatusCallback *pbsc,
    [out] IBindStatusCallback **ppbscPrevious,
    [in] DWORD  dwReserved

Registers a callback interface with an existing bind context.

Address of the IBindCtx interface to receive callbacks from.
Address of the IBindStatusCallback interface implementation to be registered.
Address of a pointer to a previously registered instance of IBindStatusCallback.
Reserved for future use.

The IBindStatusCallback interface passed into the pbsc parameter will receive callbacks on any binding operations using the bind context passed into the pbc parameter.

Only the last IBindStatusCallback interface that was registered to a particular bind context will receive callbacks. The implementation of IBindStatusCallback could pass the callbacks it receives to the previously registered IBindStatusCallback interface using the address of a pointer in the ppbscPrevious parameter.

See also IBindStatusCallback, RevokeBindStatusCallback

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